Guill Tool & Engineering Co. Inc.

Extrusion Tooling Designer and Manufacturer

Guill Tool Bullet Extrusion Head

Bullet – Standard Crosshead


The Bullet

Our Standard Crosshead

The Bullet allows quick tooling changes, as the tips remove from the back and the die removes from the front of the unit.  The absence of fastening hardware eliminates leaking, as does the taper body and deflector design pioneered by Guill. 

High- and low-volume applications are suitable for this head and are accommodated with the simple, easy changing of just one component.   A family of crosshead designs is available and users can specify the “caliber”, that is, the max. die ID.  

A vacuum chamber and kit for assembly and disassembly are included with the unit.   Optional keyed tooling capability offers machine designers and end users quick orientation, so the overall unit design enables faster disassembly, proper cleaning and restart, allowing the line to become more profitable.  

Contact Us Today to Find Out How We Can Help You

Features & Benefits

Features Benefits
New multi-port Spiral flow deflector Concentric compound flow - no dead spots
Fixed center design Expected concentricity 95% plus
Unique cam lock system Facilitates quick tool changes
No Hardware Lightning fast assembly and disassembly




Related Info

Experience, Excellence, Engagement


Explore Our Product Line

Below you’ll find a great deal of information about each Series in our product line including our many engineering options; Application, Configuration, Concentricity Adjustment, Deflectors, Striping options and Valves.

In the end the most efficient way to find out how we can truly be of service to you, is to contact one of our very knowledgeable Sales Engineers so they can help find the right fit for you and your project.

Extrusion Expertise Is Here For You


Contact Us:

Guill Tool & Engineering Co., Inc.

10 Pike Street

West Warwick, RI 02893

Phone: 401.828.7600




7:30 am – 4:30 pm