Guill Tool & Engineering Co. Inc.

Extrusion Tooling Designer and Manufacturer


Expertise, Excellence & Engineering Solutions

Our extrusion Single and Twin Screw tooling is designed to balance the melt flow necessary for the demands of  pharmaceutical applications. Knowing that short residence time, temperature control and ease of cleaning are high priorities when developing pharmaceuticals, we have developed crossheads, inlines and rotary head that will fill that criteria. You will find many options within our vast product line that will help meet your requirements.

We excel in the design and manufacture of Extrusion Tooling, offering many cost saving opportunities for extrusion manufacturers.

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End Products

Wood Composite Pellets


Creating consistently sized pellets made of polymer, animal feed, or wood is made easy using our custom tooling. Producing pellets through extrusion yields numerous advantages over using a pellet mill, eliminating the presence of harmful microbes and often mitigating the need for binders in animal feed, and allowing more control of pellet density than traditional milling.

Extruded Pills and Capsules


Our tooling is capable of producing pharmaceutical products using cutting edge extrusion technology. Hot melt extrusion is increasingly necessary for developing products using new active pharmaceutical ingredients, notably the HME process allows for increased bio-availability in orally administered drugs without the use of solvents, which can be continually produced using fewer steps.

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Our Products

Guill Tool Bullet Extrusion Head

Bullet – Standard Crosshead

The Bullet™ was designed specifically by our engineers to expedite the production process and help our customers turn a higher profit. Featuring a multi-port spiral flow and fixed center design.

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Extrusion Expertise Is Here For You

Contact Us:

Guill Tool & Engineering Co., Inc.

10 Pike Street

West Warwick, RI 02893

Phone: 401.828.7600




7:30 am – 4:30 pm