Guill Tool & Engineering Co. Inc.

Extrusion Tooling Designer and Manufacturer

Automotive & Transportation

Expertise, Excellence & Engineering Solutions

The Automotive and Transportation industries require well made tubing and wiring in order to function optimally, and our Custom Extrusion Tooling is always designed to provide extremely precise tolerances and unmatched product quality.

Whether you need to produce high end spark plugs, fuel injection hoses, or vacuum, our products will ensure they will be manufactured to the highest possible standard. 

We excel in the design and manufacture of Extrusion Tooling, offering many cost saving opportunities for extrusion manufacturers.

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End Products

Closeup of Tubes and Pipes in Automobile Engine

Automotive Parts

Whether you are manufacturing Automotive Hose, Brackets, Gaskets, Seals or other extruded parts, we have a full line of profile, rubber & silicone and corrugated extrusion tooling to help you produce an excellent end product.

Two Large Extruded Water Jugs

Blow Molding

Blow molding die manufacturing is something we can help you with. You will find our extrusion die designs dedicated to blow molding dies under our 1000 Series. We accommodate single, co-extrusion, triple extrusion and multi-layer applications as well as custom design for more challenging projects.

Extruder Corrugated Pipe

Corrugated Pipe

Our engineers are here to help you design extrusion tooling for large or small corrugated pipe. Many configuration options are available to ensure the best end product in an efficient manner.

Garden Hose


We offer Crosshead and In-Line Head tooling to extrude Hose products in a variety of materials for strength and flexibility. All heads are capable of multi-layer and stripe applications. Choose a deflector feature to evaluate the type tool that will best fit your process requirements.

Extruded Rubber Profile


We offer Crosshead and In-Line Head tooling to extrude Profile products such as seals and substrate cover layering to composite architectural shapes. All heads are capable of multi-layer and stripe applications.

Pressure Hoses


We offer Crosshead and In-Line Head tooling to extrude Tube products from the very small Medical type to the very large Industrial type. All heads are capable of multi-layer and stripe applications.

Fiber Optic Cable Internals

Wire & Cable

We design and manufacture Crosshead and In-Line Head tooling to extrude Wire & Cable products from small electronic lead wire to large multi-lead high voltage cable. All heads are capable of multi-layer and stripe applications.

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Our Products

Guill Tool Bullet Extrusion Head

Bullet – Standard Crosshead

The Bullet™ was designed specifically by our engineers to expedite the production process and help our customers turn a higher profit. Featuring a multi-port spiral flow and fixed center design.

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Extrusion Expertise Is Here For You

Contact Us:

Guill Tool & Engineering Co., Inc.

10 Pike Street

West Warwick, RI 02893

Phone: 401.828.7600




7:30 am – 4:30 pm